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My Favorite Things

Four Sigmatic makes mushroom coffees, hot coco, and other drink blends that taste amazing and leave you full of energy. I love my coffee but hate its environmental impact, and Four Sigmatic offers the perfect solution. Use my affiliate code (yes, plated, I made a typo when applying) when you buy to receive 10% off any order!


Vegetaryn sells insanely cute and ethically made apparel with clever vegan messages. The owner is a super inspiring girl boss, and a portion of sales is donated to various charities. In short, Vegetaryn is an awesome company. Check out some of their items and use my code PLANTEDKITCHEN for 10% off your order!


LIVELY is a lingerie brand that creates cute bras that you actually want to wear. LIVELY is all about encouraging women to live their best and most authentic life while surrounded by the people they love, a vision that's unique for a lingerie company. Use my code for $10 off your first order!


Wholesome Culture is another amazing apparel brand that spreads the word about a plant-based lifestyle. All of their clothing is ethically made, with 15% of their profits going to animal rescue organizations. Use the code plantedkitchen for a 10% discount on your orders!

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